Though it doesn’t mean your VoIP calls are bulletproof against eavesdroppers, all Skype traffic (both Skype for Desktop and Skype for Business) is encrypted with AES. Skype for Business is integrated into Office 365, meaning the ability to use all office applications with Skype for Business’s IM, voice and video features, finding anyone in your company and schedule meetings in Outlook. “Online Plan 2” is at £3.40 user/month, it adds high-definition video to group conferences, ability to join meetings from a web browser (including anonymous connections), desktop sharing and remote control and also the ability to record meetings. Skype for Business lets you add up to 250 people to online meetings, gives you enterprise-grade security, allows you to manage employee accounts, and is integrated into your Office apps and it is starting for “Online Plan 1” at £1.30 user/month (yearly contract) and for “Online Plan 2” at £3.40 user/month (yearly contract).
It is free to use, unless you want to buy credit to make calls to landlines and mobiles. Skype for Desktop is great for small businesses up to 25 employees on group audio calling.

Either use the same Skype that you use at home called now Skype for Desktop or use Skype for Business. For a corporate environment in nowadays there are two options, according to your needs. Skype for Desktop when it was first release was designed purely for home use. So what is Skype for Business and what are the differences to Skype for Desktop? Microsoft re-designed and re-branded Microsoft Lync Online to Skype for Business, a virtually identical product to Skype for Desktop which applies to enterprise environments. Skype is great for home and work and lets you connect and communicate with millions of people. A number of companies, including Skype, produce dedicated Skype phones. The service is available for desktop computers, notebook and tablet computers and other mobile devices, including mobile phones. In addition to standard telephone calls, Skype enables file transfers, texting, video chat and video-conferencing. Skype is an IP telephony service provider that offers free calling between subscribers and low-cost calling to people who don’t use the service.